Tuesday 4 January 2011

How To Mend A Broken Relationship.

Tips On How To Mend A Broken Relationship.

Most people will go through a broken relationship at some point in their lives, some will go through it many times, it does not get any easier and effects people in many different ways but most will be asking the question How to mend a broken relationship?

You really need to ask for advice from someone you can trust to point you in the right direction. You will be going through a whole host of different emotions at the moment but if you really do want to mend a broken relationship you need to be acting on logic and sense rather than just reacting to emotions.

There are many places that you can go online for advice for how to mend a broken relationship both free and paid, some are good some not so good.

I found Ashley Kays program online and was taken aback by the wisdom and insight that she had on such young shoulders. Not only that she does provide a lot of advice for free, I have included some of her advice below so that you can decide for yourself if you think she can help you to mend a broken relationship.
Just click on any of the links for more information.

Give Them Space.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that you can mend a broken relationship by just talking. This will usually end up with you becoming more and more emotional, perhaps to the extent of you becoming irrational  and your ex remaining cold and distant. You do not want your ex to see you in this state. They will pull themselves further away because not only do they know you are doing it only to benefit yourself, you’re causing a scene and making them feel uncomfortable at the same time.

Instead act against your feelings and allow them the space they need. Be calm and co-operative.
Step 2:

During a period of absence, you need to keep yourself active and moving. The more you obsess about the relationship, the more likely you will want to get in contact with your ex. You need to get out and about, do things that help you pass time, hang out with friends etc. You may not have control over what your ex does, but you do have control over your own experiences. Do you really want to stay at home and mope all day or go out and enjoy the time you have instead. Either way the outcome will be the same.
 Step 3

Gradually get in touch with your ex. Let them know that what ever happens you still care and will always treasure the happy times that you have had together.Suggest meeting up some time just as friends .Take things slowly do not try to rush things.How will this help? Think about how your relationship started in the first place. Relationships build over time not over night.
Step 4:

If things seem to be going well, you can try asking them out on a date. Nothing too serious though.you do not want to scare them away before you have started, simply don’t call it a date; rather just two people hanging out.

Do Not Let Pride Get In The Way Of Mending A Relationship.

Pride stops many people from mending a broken relationship don’t let it stand in your way.  After everything that you’ve been through your relationship deserves a second chance. You can mend a broken relationship but it does take work on both sides.

The two of you need to want to patch things up, this can never be a one way thing. You must take time to understand the situation. At times, your partner may want to have some space and time to mull things over and that is perfectly okay.

Communication is the key; everything works out when there is communication. Let your partner know what you want and don’t want, and what you’re willing to compromise. Make your partner realise that you want the relationship to last and that you are willing to give anything just to make it work.

Coming into terms to save a broken relationship may seem complex for some but it is relatively easy. This stems from your sincerity and genuine desire to be with the one you love. If you have that in your heart, then nothing can be a problem.

Want to know what DEADLY mistakes you could be making right now that’s driving your partner?

                           Click Here For More Information!
P.S What could be more important than a thriving relationship with the person you love? Don’t wait, you can get your ex back now.

Proven System How To Mend A Broken Relationship.
How To Mend A Broken Relationship,
Reasons Why People Fail.

Some relationships will fail no matter how hard a couple try.
You may be aware of the reasons why be it an affair, an argument, a lack of trust or just simply a misunderstanding.
There are any number of reasons why people fail to mend a broken relationship, the ones below crop up time and time again. Are you taking it seriously?

If you really want to mend a broken relationship you need to be committed. Try to follow some sort of plan. Do not think that you can mend the relationship by doing what you have always done. Which leads on to the next reason.

Before you start be completely honest with yourself are you willing to change in order to mend a broken relationship?, Are you willing to risk and sacrifice anything for them?

Perhaps the reason for the break up of the relationship is rooted deep within yourself. Are you having any other emotional worries within yourself, such as insecurity or dependency, Try to mend yourself before trying to mend a broken relationship.

Words trip of off  the tongue very easily, saying that you will change is a far cry from actually doing it. Put your words into action. Prove to your partner that you believe your broken relationship is worth mending.

People are attracted to those that are strong and confident. For men, if your girlfriend has left you don’t simply shower them with attention, gifts and whatever else (unless that was the reason you broke up). Identity the root of the problem and go from there. If you apologize blindly without dealing with the core issues, your ex will see through your blatant persuasions and won’t fall for it.

You need to realize what is most important. Winning the battle or winning or mending a broken relationship. Swallow your pride and don’t let a good thing go just because of your ego.

How to mend a broken relationship does not include self abuse.If you turn to alcohol and just feeling sorry for yourself you may as well give up now it will solve nothing.If a relationship is worth repairing you need to be strong for you and for your partner.

                    Click Here For More Information!

Sure Signs Your Ex Wants You Back

There is no end of information around telling you that you can mend a broken relationship, that you can fix a relationship, that you can get your ex back,but if your ex is happy out of the relationship painful as it can be there really is not a lot that will get them back. To mend a broken relationship it does need both partners to want the same thing.

To make things even more difficult your partner may still have feelings for you but not enough to want you back.
No one said things were going to be easy, I do not believe that anything worth while ever is. However the first thing that you need to know before trying to mend a broken relationship is Does Your Ex Want YOU Back?

Signs To Look Out For And What They Could Mean:                                                                      *Have they spoken with mutual Friends about the break up expressing how they would do things differently   given the chance?                                                                                                                                     *Are they taking more pride in their appearance and trying to better themselves including there personality in  order to make an impression on you?
*Do they seem nervous when you are around, perhaps a little flirtatious, just like the days when you first met.
  Have they made the effort to be with you when you needed them the most?
*Have they made any comments about the future that sound as if they are planning on you being in it?
*Are they seeing any one new? or do they seem disinterested in the opposite sex?

Relationships are as complicated as life itself, all the above could mean that they are still in love with you or in some cases it could just mean that they are riding the same roller coaster of emotions that you are feeling.
They may want to mend the broken relationship but they are wary of the problems that caused you to break up in the first place.
They may even just be on an ego trip trying to prove to themselves that they could have you back if they wanted.

In a lot of cases giving your ex time to sort out their emotions, a bit of alone time to decide what they really want and try to decide in their head where your relationship went wrong. In some instances just having that break will work wonders for any relationship.